
The Municipal Leaders Come to Wolwa E-commerce to Guide the Work

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On march 27 ,Jining municipal committee member ,deputy mayor Zhouhong,municipal committee member ,The party working committee secretary of High-tech zone Shechunming presented wolwa group.Investigate the operation situation of our electric bussiness platform.
Mayor zhou, secretary of the measure on site visited the shandong machinery processing base network e-commerce platform construction, inquired about the work to the relevant business personnel. After that, the city leaders come to the meeting room the chairman of the Yang wei and report project director of platform construction operations. 
Yang in the report, said the shandong machinery information network is the mechanical equipment manufacturing industry in our country public e-commerce platform, the public management platform, the network transaction platform and public technology service platform, based on project trading as the core, the front window is trade portal, search engine for the service tool in industry, industry database as the background support of seven of an integrated platform, integration, market-oriented industry. Web site built by volwa group cooperation with shandong university, plans a total investment of 15 million yuan. Project is divided into three stages: the first phase of e-commerce platform of shandong province, the second phase of the national machinery industry base of e-commerce, the third phase construction machinery manufacturing resource center in the world, the turnover is expected to more than 3 billion yuan in 2016, the website revenue more than 75 million yuan. 
Mayor zhou, the secretary of the measure of concern about service scope, transaction process, income sources and the next step development planning, construction of volwa group global e-commerce platform, service in the machinery manufacturing industry at home and abroad, and promote product sales and expressed his appreciation of resources integration, and hope volwa group to learn from advanced experience of the e-commerce industry, adhere to the high-end positioning, avoid operation risk, the platform to do bigger and stronger, as soon as possible to jining city economic development and transformation and upgrading of the national machinery industry to make greater contribution. 
City by letter appoint accompanied by research, high-tech zone management committee is responsible for the comrades.


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